Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Cultural Identity Poster Pictures and Explanations

I wanted to give general information about my country. Turkey is located on very historical area of the earth.

My country called Ottoman Empire around 100 years ago so I wanted to put their symbol and show them how big the country was and how big it is now.

This is the Ottoman Empire on a map when they reached their biggest.

Mevlana is very well known saint who lived in Turkey and died year 1273. The United Nations declared 2007 The Year of Rumi and celebrations were held world wide.


  1. I've never been to Turkey!But after reading your poster,I feel like know much about your culture,like the long history and humanity there.

  2. Bariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis :)
    Do you know?? I've been Turky restaurant before, that's awesome XD!!!!! I enjoyed so much, because I had a full course dinner at that time! We should go to there and teach me Turkish culture, especially about food :)
