Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cultural Identity Wrap up

I have learned “America is Melting Pot or Salad Bowl, It was interesting for me. “America is a melting pot,” in my definition has little different in meaning from the book. People immigrated to the United States from different places. After they lived in here, some of their tradition cultures will be disappeared or combine with other countries’ cultures. For example, Giving red envelops to their children was Chinese people’s traditional custom. They always do it in the Lunar New Year, but, some people give it to their children in Christmas or New Year (January Fist). Some important traditional events such as Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival have no longer celebrated by Chinese people because they are busy. I think many years later, cultural identity will be lost or combine with other people.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Culture for China

You can be in the  image of those who see has a  red envelope,in China it is a very important festival ,is that the Chinese New Year,on that day ,who married people all want to give the children a red envolope ,but inside are eqquipped with the money,wish you the best luck all year around.
On this picture ,you can see a three dimensional picture ,that is a drink ,but we have a lot of this drink in China and it every kind of beverage effect is different.
Pandas in China is a kind of very rare animals and now the country just more than thousand only ,so everyone is trying to protect them,and it also has a very representative name is a national treasure.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

Sine I read "I want to be America", I realized how some people so motivate to lose their own identity and they were never been native American. On the other hand, in my real life, some chinses who were born in America are called differently by elders. Instead "ABC"(America of born of Chinese), the elders call them "Banana Boy". I was inquisitive. Finally I got the reason why they named them "Banana Boy". Because those boy who born in America alread immerged American culture. The way they thought, the hobby they have are not as same as other Chinese. Although they have the same skin color(yellow),but their inside are white(like white people,American).That's why use "Banana Boy" to describe "ABC". The name is really fit and interesting, isn't it?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Culture Identity Wrap-up

Since I learned the unit, I know a lot about culture identity. People have different skin color and races are having different culture identity. Some people don’t like the other people who have the culture different from them. Also some people separate by levels. Through that, I have learn the culture diversity is very important for peoples’ communication. Keep the culture diversity, it can make people live more peaceful.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

This is the Chinese traditional food. For my own opinion I love Chinese food. Even through I love Chinese food but ever since I moved to American there are all sorta of different kind of food. Like American food,Mexican food, Japanese food, and Korean Food etc. I choose this because Chinese traditional are a huge thing for the Chinese. Even now my family make traditional food when there are a Chinese holiday.

Cultural Identity Wrap up(Stephanie German)

What I learned from Cultural diversity is to be proud of your own culture. I learned so much about cultural diversity. What I liked the most were the readings, the reading I liked the most and I recommend is "I want to be Miss. America". The concept that was new to me and liked was the "salad b" because it’s true and it’s amazing how America is like a big bowl with a bunch of different cultures, you learn different languages, different customs, beliefs and more. Being different is not bad actually is good, and that is what makes you unique.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Japanese culture

Thank you for choosing my poster!!!!! I like you guys's poster,too!!!!

This is what I made it, when I considered what elements make me an Japanese, I realized there are 2 different aspect. One is unchangeable culture(in other word, old culture or traditional culture), the another one is changeable culture( in other word, new culture or pop culture).
Unchangeable culture is including article9, that japan renounce any war, and desire the world peace, traditional cloth, food, housing, flower art and so forth.
As for changeable culture, I put cartoon, Japanese bar, school uniform, photo machine. That's what most of Japanese(or Japanese girl) like.
This is one of poplar cartoons right now, this story has cartoon, animations, and movies. By the way, people who love this story or charactor, can dance with this theme song.


What I learned in this unit on Cultural Identity is to keep diversity is difficult, but important. I read "people like us" and "globalization vs. americanization", keeping diversity never miss in our life against simplification, however most people prefer people who have any things in common to communicate and live. It is Men's fate. To put my thoughts, to maintain and keep diversity, this means is equal to respect each other, and bring us less conflict. We tend to make group with similar people, but we should seek more difference voluntary. It makes world to keep diversity. - Mina Goto

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

One concept that I think is very important is “Salad Bowl’. Before I started classes in this college, I knew the concept "Melting Pot", I thought it was the only concept about the diversity in America, but I thought that this definition was not correct at all. Then when I heard about the concept “Salad Bowl” my thinking change.It was perfect, a mix of many things working together in order to make another big thing, but the difference between this and melting pot, in that in this concept each ingredient keep their own integrity. I think this concept is more successful.

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

        I like this machine! I had never heard before. Every Asian girl likes the big eyes, white skin, small face. I have been looking for the machine for a long time, but I still can find it. I like this machine. I will have super big eyes, white skin, and very small face. I am so excited. I must lean how to use it. I hope that you can know me after I change my face. lol

This is the Chinese traditional clothing called Cheongsam. It produced by using woven cotton satin and velvet. It shows the beauty of women. Also it is simple and generous. Cheongsam can show a woman's gentle and steady style.

This is the Chinese ethnic clothing, too. It has the difference style in different ethnic groups. All groups have different characteristic.

This is the ethnic clothing in China. China has 56 ethnic groups. 55 groups are minoritiy. One of the ethnic group wearing this type of cloth as the ethnic cloth.
This is the poster to explain part of the Chinese culture. It used three ways to explain: food, clothing, and houses.

rooted and uprooted

Many years ago,American culture regarded as melt pot,if immigrant can not melt into the culture,they felt uncomfortable and always convinced their root were in their native country,but this year,American culture turned gradually towards as salad bowels,and immigrant have their own vibrant and thriving ethnic enclaves,that let them felt they rooted in America,they regarded America as native nation.

Cultural Identity Wrap-up(Ju yong Park)

Recently our world has many immigration for each reasons. They have to adapt their place and the country's culture which they live. But that is very difficult. They are different each other. Nowdays we need to understand each culture. In class we learned melting pot and salad bowl. That mean are combine culture and creat new one and mix each culture but respect each other. Before i created my poster I looked for about mixing culture, i found "Kimchi Sandwich". It's sandwich includes kimchi. Kimchi is from Korea, Sandwich from Europe. So many people enjoy this food. Like this we need to understand our culture and we can assimilate and use those. And then we can dwell at unity with other culture better than before.

Dia de los muertos!!

I chose this image because this is an important event for my culture. This event is to celebrate the death, so we usually set up an altar and we put the picture of you dead relative. Also on the altar we put his or her favourite food, candy,and stuff the had.We mostly put tipical food and candy. Then we pray and we leave it for like a week.
I chose this image because Frida Kahlo is a very famous painter in my country also because she was Mexican. I think she is very important to Mexican culture, she was very famous and to this day she still is.


This is my poster, I think for me my culture is very important. In my poster In my poster I have the tipical food there is in mexico, the famous places that Mexico has and the most turistic places. I also have part of my other culture wich is Amercian and I have images of the 4th of july and thanksgiving image. These are the events I want to embrace. I heve Mexico bigger because I cosider myself more Mexican than American. Since I was a small thats the culture my parents have ambraced me and I am very proud of my culture.

HeeJeong Ok

cultural identity wrap-up.

this chapter is talking about a diffence people who came from another country, how they

are struggle to harmony with Americans, and gives me critical think. story was realistic, it

makes readers to thinking alot.

I learned about what kind of meaning is include in salad bowl, melting pot.

long time ago, most Americans were melting pot but nowadays, it has changed to salad

bowl which means at this time, a person who born in here but his parents came from another

country, is theaching their own language to him, and identity.

HeeJeong Ok

This poster is quickly explain about the Korea. It composed

with national falg, Bul go gi, Hae woon dae beach, and how

the country's shape looks like.

This is my Korea's national flag from 1883 which

is a symbol of our country.

the white back ground means brightness, peace

and pure. the red and blue means, balance of

yin and yang.

This is Bul go gi, which is traditional food in Korea.

cooked with beef, onion, carrot, green onion, red pepper.

It tastes like sweet and slightly salty

One of famouse beach in Busan of Korea, lot of

tourist have been coming every year; especially

in summer, Hae Woon Dae baech is crowded alot.

many interesting places are located in arround

beach. I want to recomend for visit here.

Cultural Identity (Ju yong Park)

This one is KimchiSandwich. It's amazing. Because This is combined Kimch and Sandwich. So Foreign people interest this and enjoy and everyone knows Korea's food's favor.

I made like this for showing we try to understand another country culture and I want to show combine each other culture.

I wanted show korea culture. Because most people who r live in America don't know how to use this. One research people's brain who use chopsticks be able to develop.

My Cultural Identity Poster Pictures and Explanations

I wanted to give general information about my country. Turkey is located on very historical area of the earth.

My country called Ottoman Empire around 100 years ago so I wanted to put their symbol and show them how big the country was and how big it is now.

This is the Ottoman Empire on a map when they reached their biggest.

Mevlana is very well known saint who lived in Turkey and died year 1273. The United Nations declared 2007 The Year of Rumi and celebrations were held world wide.

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

The most important thing that I learned in this unit is melting pot and salad bowl. I think we all should know that we don`t have to change ourselves and try to be American. Today America is not melting pot anymore, America is a salad bowl where we all can come together see differences on each other and learn from them.

Cultural Identity Warp-Up

I chose these pictures, because the pictures can represent the identity of China. The roast duck is the most of famous food in the China. The secod picture, two people is wearing the Chinese style dress. Most of Chinese people who is getting married, they will wear this dress. Because it also is part of Chinese culture identity. The third picture, it is a kind of folk snack in China. The crab apple in side and candy cover it. You can see lots of these kind of Chinese folk snack is sold on the street if you in China.

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

The most important thing I've learned in this unit is that we should be determined when we're facing other people's prejudice. From the passage named"Do I Look Like Public Enemy Number One", I knew that a girl who is a Arabic, often treat as a terrorist. She first felt like an outsider in school, but later she realized that it is unnecessary to care other people's prejudice to you. For us, sometimes we don't need to care about too much about what other people said. We just need to behave ourselves.

Hello,every one. This is a poster that about traditional festival of China. The first festival I mentioned in the poster is the Spring Festival. The reason why I chose this image to help express this festival is that there is a tiger there which represent our lunar year of tiger. This is a huge festival in China. We celebrate it by eating big dinner, staying with family and visiting family! What's more, the second festival I introduced to all of you, is the Lantern Festival. We stay with family and play with the lantern, also we eat Tangyuan together,which is a symbol of good luck. Then, is the mid-autumn festival,another big festival in China.We also stay with family, enjoying the moon and eating the moon cakes together. Lastly, is the Chinese's Valentine's day--Qixi. This festival is based on a fairy tale of Niulang and Zhinv. I love all the festivals in China. It means a lot to me.

Cultural Identity Warp-Up

In this unit on cultural identity, I learned some new ideas. The most important and interesting ideas is “melting pot” and “salad bowl”. Using the melting pot and salad bowl describe the culture. Different countries would have the different cultures. Some people were move to other country and that would join in to that culture. I believe that an America is very amazing country. Everyone is same and not care where the people from, but also we can tell everyone is different. Some people want to be in country so they will act like an American.

Mexican Culture!

My Poster shows some of the things I miss from my country, what I used to celebrate and places that I like. At the lower-right side is the food, what I used to eat and I love, like tacos, gorditas, carnse asada, guacamole and some candies like “Dulce de Leche” my favorite one. Just above the food there are some things that I have embraced and I really like from America.

This is a famous “Calavera de Azucar” it is a Sugar Skull, it is used for a special tradition we have, "El Dia de Muertos" (The Day of the Dead). In this day we celebrate all our deceased relatives, we make an Altar with thinks they liked when they were alive, usually things like food, liquor, personal objects, and also we can add the “Sugar Skulls”, flowers and pictures of the dead person.This is an important image for almost every Mexican that is catholic, La Virgen de Guadalupe (the virgin of Guadalupe). It’s a symbol of hope for every Mexican, because the story says that the virgin helps us to overcome an epidemic.

I add this picture because this is the logo of my country, you can find it everywhere, in the flag, in the coins and money. The history of this is so good and with a lot of meaning.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cultural Identity Warp-Up

In this unit, I learned that cultural diversity was very important to us. The U.S is a melting pot of culture. We will not only promote our own culture, but also to accept the cultures from other countries.We should touch cultures which different from our culture, and at the same time, we need to keep our cultural identity.Just like many salad bowl in the melting pot. Achieving the cultural diversity is hard, but only this way we can get close to the diversity.

Culture Identity Wrap-up

From this unit, I learned that different cultures should have a communication. Sometimes people like to stay with the people who come from the same culture. Like Chinese, they often like to live in Chinatown. But, I think it is not good. Every person should learn different cultures since we are in America, which is a multi-culture nation. If we wnt to adapt to American life, we should contact with other people who are from different cultures. America is an immagrant country, so there are many different cultures. If we want to make the nation be an entirety, we should make a contribution. Making the dream of the entirety come ture, not only saying the words out of your mouth, but also doing it. Having a chance to communicate with other nations is a better way to comprehend the world.

Rachel's poster

Many teenagers like hip-pop, breaking, new jazz nowadays. In Chinese cultural, there are many tradictional dances. They are different from pop-dance.
Now I want to introduce two of them for you.

This dance means thousands of hands of "Guanyin". "Guanyin" is a lady god in China. It protect Chinese's health, home, and bring luck to the people. The god has thousands of hands means that it can help people as more as possible. The dance is one of the celebration of the god. It also means that everyone has a good life.
China has 56 nations. Each nation has its own songs and dances. One of them call "Daizu". They usually dance like a peacock. They have their own clothes, like a peacock. On the other hand, their hand of their also like a peacock.In their cultural, peacock is the luncky animal. So they dance like a peocock to give people luck.